Work life balance, what a lofty goal! My vision of this is less of a steady-state goal and more akin to a moving target, an ever-changing equation, a constantly evolving analysis and response depending upon age, stage of life, work demands, family commitments and personal inspiration.
I have always needed movement. I lived for recess in grade school and made all sorts of mental deals with myself to get through the school day in high school. My reward was sports practice or some kind of workout. I feel fortunate in that I naturally gravitated toward daily activity, because our bodies are designed to MOVE! In general, modern work environments require less movement than in the past and our physical, mental and emotional bodies suffer for this.
For many, especially if it is not their natural inclination, taking time to move is challenging! I believe that exercise is a key component to long term physical health and mental wellness. Physical movement is obviously beneficial to our physical bodies (bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, organs, ect….) but it also creates a period of time when mental focus shifts away from everyday things. Instead, you are feeling your body, focus is on your movements and the actions you are performing – whether it’s weightlifting, yoga, running, biking or following instructions in a class. It creates s p a c e where your brain can shift perspective. Your thoughts turn to the present and your emotions become reflected upon instead of reacted too.
The biggest pharmacy in the world is in our head and exercise/movement is one of the main pass codes to opening the pharmacy door. Disease, injury or any imbalance can be taken as an opportunity to reflect, assess and change one’s personal health routine.
As a working mother of 3, there was a decade plus where weekends or early morning were my only options for exercise. Island Fitness has been my steady go-to for a regular exercise routine because of the early morning opening (and it’s always warm and dry in there no matter the season)!
So, circling back to work-life balance (really just life balance) taking the time to invest in your physical body benefits every other aspect of your life. Especially work! Maybe you are energized, maybe you are motivated following a workout, walk or run. Maybe pushing yourself to be consistent in your exercise schedule also pushes you in a work project. Perhaps an insight or new perspective popped into mind while you were working with your trainer or talking to someone at the gym.
I was pulled into the healthcare field partially because the human body is an extraordinary and efficient organism, but also because I wish to help others in that aspect of life. I am naturally interested in and drawn toward physical/mental/emotional health issues, but not all are. I really enjoy challenging myself athletically but not everyone does. So how does each individual optimize? That is what I love to do, reduce barriers to health and wellness.
Island Fitness and the gym that existed prior to it on Banbridge saved and guided me as a young person. I moved to Bainbridge Island right before high school and right after my family split apart. My life outside of school and sports was very chaotic. Island Fitness gave me a place to be after school and after sports practices. It gave me a place to return to when I got off track or felt stressed and overwhelmed. I could keep returning no matter what else was happening in my life. As an adult, with adult children now, I am so happy to see all of them practicing health maintenance in the form of exercise. I feel passionate about continuing to challenge myself, finding inspiration through physical activity and share this personally and professionally with as many people as possible.
Bajda Welty MS, EAMP, LMT has been an Island Fitness member since 2011. As a local business owner, wife and mother of 3 she is an inspiration for prioritizing selfcare and exercise! She shares her credo “our bodies are designed to MOVE!” She is often part of the Island Fitness early morning cycling crew, she enjoys yoga, weight work, hiking and trail running.
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