CPR and You

Do you know that our local firefighters/EMT’s consider us (the general population) their partners? We are part of their team and they need us to get certified and stay certified in CPR/AED. Recertifying regularly is important, because procedures change to reflect current research. Everyone needs to refresh their skills if we expect to be able to administer CPR/AED in an emergency. Even if your job does not require you to be certified, anyone with a family, or friends would do well to learn CPR, because 85% of cardiac arrests occur at home. Knowing how to give basic chest compressions while waiting for emergency responders to arrive can mean life for your loved one (or yourself – so encourage your friends and family to go to a CPR/AED class with you!).

CPR provides oxygen to the brain and other vital organs to give the person the BEST chance of full recovery after the EMT’s arrive. If CPR is given within the first FOUR MINUTES of cardiac arrest, the chances of survival DOUBLE!

Sign up for a CPR class -you will be more confident than when you walked in to class, you will know what steps to take in the event of a cardiac emergency, you will know more than when you walked into class, and that knowledge may save a life. Our local fire department offers CPR classes FOR FREE!

  1. Only 6.4% of Cardiac Arrest Victims survive because people witnessing the incident do not know CPR.

  2. Over 200,000 people die of Sudden Cardiac Arrest every year.

  3. 50,000 of the 200,000 deaths yearly could be prevented

  4. For Every minute that an AED is unavailable, the victim has a 10% less chance of survival

  5. You get to use cool life-saving technology. Part of CPR training now includes how to operate an automatic electronic defibrillator. Most states require an AED device in all public places; in time of need, you may be the only person in the room who knows how to operate it.

At Island Fitness employees take the CPR/AED class annually free of charge. We hope that employees are prepared to perform CPR if the need ever arises at home, at work or in the community.



By Zack Zarrilli, August 17, 2017

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) represents a life-saving skill. It empowers everyday people to become heroes, enabling them to resuscitate someone who goes into cardiac arrest. At the same time, earning CPR certification may seem like a major struggle, particularly

for those who have limited time and resources at their disposal. But individuals who spend even a few hours learning CPR can reap the benefits of their efforts for years to come. Ultimately, becoming CPR-certified offers numerous benefits, including:


To better understand the impact of CPR in emergencies, let’s consider the following statistics from the American Heart Association (AHA):

  • 70 percent of Americans feel helpless to act in a cardiac emergency because they do not know how to perform CPR or their CPR training has significantly lapsed.

  • Only 32 percent of cardiac arrest victims receive CPR from a bystander.

  • Four out of five cardiac arrest incidents happen at home; this means a cardiac arrest victim is likely to be a loved one.

  • More than 359,000 EMS assessed cardiac arrests take place outside of a hospital.

  • For every minute that passes without CPR and defibrillation, a cardiac arrest victim’s chances of survival decrease between 7 percent and 10 percent.

With the knowledge of CPR skills, a CPR-certified individual can help reduce the loss of life in emergencies. Performing CPR can help preserve an individual’s brain function during cardiac arrest. As such, learning how to conduct this procedure enables you to supply oxygen to a cardiac arrest victim, increasing the chance that you’ll be able to keep this individual’s blood flowing and vital organs alive.

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a major problem, yet few people know how to identify and address this issue correctly. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute defines SCA as a condition that causes the heart to suddenly stop beating. When this occurs, blood stops moving to the brain and other vital organs throughout the body. Thus, an SCA victim could die if cardiac arrest goes unaddressed for more than a few minutes.

The American Heart Association points out roughly 92 percent of SCA victims die before reaching the hospital. However, the AHA also notes immediate CPR can double or even triple a cardiac arrest victim’s chances of survival. Becoming CPR-certified can make an immediate difference for a cardiac arrest victim and his or her family. And if you ever have to perform CPR, you could help increase the survival rate of cardiac arrest victims worldwide.


The AHA trains more than 12 million Americans in CPR each year. Yet this total is not enough. A cardiac emergency can happen to any person without notice. On the other hand, CPR certified individuals can learn how to help cardiac arrest victims before an emergency

escalates. One of the best things about CPR is that anyone can learn it. Whether you’re a parent, child, student or someone else, CPR training gives individuals the life-saving skills they need to succeed. CPR training delivers long-lasting results in communities of all sizes. In fact, the AHA reports communities with in-depth automated external defibrillator.