
Happy Birthday Edna!

Happy 89th Birthday to Edna Lewis who comes in ready to work, even if she is feeling ‘stiff’. Here’s to staying strong and able as we age! Check out the video of Edna working out

What is the key? Start NOW! move NOW! Eat well NOW!

We have fabulous trainers on staff who can give you guidance and encouragement!

Jack and Edna Lewis have been members at Island Fitness for 15 years, I sat down with them to get their input on aging well and how Island Fitness fits into their lives. They said they have been active all their lives, skiing and hiking. When they moved to Bainbridge they were already ‘older’, they commented, “It is hard to connect in a new community
when you are no longer involved with the schools” Edna shared, “if you are not church-goers, that makes it harder too, If you have a church you a pre-formed community.” For the Lewis’ Island Fitness IS their church. ” This is OUR community,” according to Jack and Edna adds, “It fits with my philosophy of encouraging people to stay ENGAGED with each other and their community.”

Edna and Jack certainly got engaged with our Island Fitness community. When they arrived here, they along with Bob Campbell were the instigators of bringing the Enhanced Fitness program (known then as ‘Lifetime Fitness’) to Michael Rosenthal’s attention. “We have to thank Group Health,” Edna commented, “they recognize that the population is getting older and they are helping older folks stay healthy and moving. Moving as you age is important! The urge to just sit as you get older is really strong. We have friends who have done all the right things as far as what they eat, but they don’t move! They are having a lot more trouble than we do.”

I asked them for their advice to people who want to age well.

Edna says ” Start young” and Jack says “but it is never too late! We have a friend
who was 82 when I met her and I told her “you need to exercise” She had never exercised
in a gym, but she had been an equestrian. I gave her a pass to come to the gym,
She joined the Enhanced Fitness classes and three years later she is still here! She is moving better AND she has community.”

Jack: “Having a club to belong to helps a lot. It gives you routine, you have a

Edna: “If someone calls you can say ‘I’ve got to go, I have a class’, otherwise
you just get off track.”

Jack: “If you come, say every Monday, Wednesday, Friday – you get to know people, our friends will be there, and they notice if we aren’t there!”

Jack and Edna are big fans of Dorotha, Tamera and the Lifetime/Enhanced Fitness 

classes (shout out to Jillian as well!).

When Edna injured her hip in a fall Island Fitness helped again, in a different

way. She started personal training. “I would not be moving as well as I am if
I did not work with Carol, after my fall! My arms and legs are much stronger! Without
training, I would probably have ended up in a wheelchair. I have been exercising
in classes for years, but working with a trainer gives specific instructions on
what muscles to use and how to do the movements.”

Seeing Edna’s progress, Jack too started personal training. “Doing things by
myself, I get really good at doing things the wrong way.” He likes having a program,
with new things to work on. Jack says, “When I get out of bed I say ‘Carol!’ because
I can stand and feel more stable now!”

Edna says, ” I always feel better after my session, even if I came in feeling stiff,
or groggy and tired. I leave feeling more energized, and more awake – and that’s
important!” They both want to encourage others to keep moving, and Jack reiterated,
“remember it’s never too late! Taking classes and working with a trainer makes you
have to think, and that is good!”

~Carol O’Neill, interviewer