Winter Pilates Winter Series

It happens every holiday season. We head out to the mountains for a full day of fun in the snow. Parents, kids, grandparents…. the whole extended family and close friends. We rent an awesome condo. There’s food, laughter, lots of board games, and joy in the snow. Everyone does their favorite activity. Some are hitting the hills. Others are cross country skiing. Still more just want to hike and enjoy the bright blue skies and white capped pines.

Then it hits. Thighs burn so much you can’t sit on the toilet for a week. Lungs feel like they are trying to make a full-scale escape from your body via your mouth. Balance feels off. It’s tougher to get up after a fall. I probably don’t need to go on. This isn’t just my experience. I’m sure you can fill in with a few experiences of your own.

So how do we prepare for the intensity that our favorite winter sports demand? Calculated, specific training for the challenges of those activities. Your current workout may not include enough time on those muscles, joints, and movement patterns. How you trained for summer rowing, hiking and biking, or even just general fitness won’t take you to the next level of performance, endurance, strength, AND recovery that winter sports demand.

Don’t look so sad. I wouldn’t dump a problem on you without offering a solution! I am offering two 4-week Pilates classes specifically targeted to getting you ready for the slopes. The focus will be on leg strength and endurance, core, balance, feet & ankles, and anaerobic cardiovascular training. We will be using a variety of equipment to best get the job done. The 4-week class is for downhill skiers, cross country skiers (classic & skate), snowboarders, snowshoers, micro spike hikers, and all snow enthusiasts!

Classes are capped at four participants. This allows me to provide more individual attention. Participants can be at varying fitness levels, so no one will feel left behind or unchallenged. Injuries and chronic conditions can be accommodated.

Previous Pilates experience is not necessary. Participants can do both sessions. They will be given appropriate challenges to keep the progress moving forward.

After a summer nursing a heel injury, I am looking forward to the next season of outdoor activities! How about you?

Session One-Saturdays at 8am

Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26

Session Two-Saturdays at 8am

Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23

Cost is $200 per session.

Diane is a Certified Full Equipment Pilates Instructor with Balanced Body University. Her original Mat certification came from Moira Stott herself back in 1999.

She is also an Ortho-Kinetics® Specialist Trainer and has Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) certifications from National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and American Council on Exercise (ACE).

When not in the club, you can find her hiking or SCUBA all seasons in our beautiful PNW.

Check out our Facebook page for a sneak peak on what this series is all about!!