Successful Cardio Tips

From Darcy Monette

Wondering how to set yourself up for success for a cardio (aerobic) program? Here are some helpful suggestions:

  1. Make sure you like what you’re doing. You don’t have to love it now, but you want to do something that is accessible and that you feel confident you can master.

  2. Focus on creating a habit, and have the integrity to make a commitment to yourself. If you decide you are going to do 45-minute workouts on M-W-F, keep those appointments with yourself just as you would an appointment with a friend, a doctor, or a client.

  3. Look at your calendar/schedule and choose the days for your longer workouts and shorter workouts based on your other commitments. Stick to it.

  4. Schedule these workouts. Actually write them down in your planner or calendar, and set reminder alarms on your phone. Do everything ahead of time to set yourself up for success.

  5. Prepare beforehand. Make sure you have everything you need: clothes, water, shoes, snacks, music etc, ready and waiting before your workout. Don’t give yourself an excuse not to do your cardio!

  6. Start where you are. When you’re beginning, your level 7 intensity may be a lot more gentle or slower than it used to be (or than it will be!), but that’s ok. The longer you stick with your program, the harder your workout will need to become to adjust to your growing fitness level.

  7. Check in with yourself weekly. Make notes of any difficulties you may be having, and deal with them immediately.

  8. Set up accountability. Find a friend who would love to work out with you, or maybe just someone else who also needs accountability to reach their goals, and set up a regular check-in time to reflect on progress or hang ups.

  9. Track your activity. There are many ways to do this. Apps such as MyFitnessPal or trackers like Fitbit make tracking easy and fun, and can also help you with food journaling.

The underlying theme of these tips is to put some time and thought into making this your plan, and to truly commit to making a change. Surround yourself with other like-minded people and friends who support your goals to be healthier and happier. 

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